Recommended. Many writing instructors teach a straightforward process to build a story. This process is designed to write books that people want to buy. It's similar to the system proposed by her editor, John Selby (Alessandro Nivola, American Hustle), to Flannery O'Connor (Maya Hawke, Little Women), but so alien to her vision that she risks his abandonment. She says, "I am amenable to criticism but only within the sphere of what I am trying to do; I will not be persuaded to do otherwise." Selby's criticism could be turned back on Ethan Hawke, writer/director of Wildcat. Hawke uses his daughter's splendid rendering of O'Connor and Laura Linney (The Truman Show) as her mother. He creates a unique "sphere of doing O'Connor," intercutting sketches from her short stories, using Maya, Linney, and the cast in multiple roles. Wildcat isn't always an easy movie to follow . . . some audience assembly is required.
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