Strongly recommended. Apparently, we’re into the second revival of director/scripter Sally Potter’s (The Tango Lesson) cult masterpiece. Sony re-released it in 2010 but this year it inspired no less than the Met Gala. Orlando is currently part of TMC’s Women Make Films series so you can stream it for free. And you should see this complex and visually splendid reverie. In 1992, Potter’s liberties with Virginia Woolf’s (Mrs Dalloway) novel seemed to serve a feminist agenda . . . but perhaps that’s not totally accurate, based on her 2010 comments. In 2020, Orlando’s genderfluid soul has found more accommodation. Tilda Swinton’s (Michael Clayton) brilliantly effective, candid performance as the titular young man and older woman posits a world where biology is agnostic, dictating neither style nor autonomy. Sandy Powell (The Aviator) lost the costume design Oscar to The Age Of Innocence despite brilliantly transvesting in and out of 400 years of fashion.