Recommended. There are few post-70’s directors who have created as many iconic films as Ridley Scott. We’re comfortable with the space noir of Blade Runner or Alien but in The Martian, Scott disses dystopia for a love letter to NASA. Cheery Matt Damon plays an astronaut who gets marooned on the Red Planet, then ‘sciences’ his way through a string of McGiveresque problems. Sort of a Hanks-less mash up of Apollo 13 and Cast Away. That sounds awful but Damon’s earnest optimism sustains us . . . leavened by his excellent co-stars. Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) commands a crew of insubordinates (Michael Peña, Cesar Chavez and Kate Mara, House of Cards), led herself by an equally peevish pair of NASA chiefs (Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years A Slave and Jeff Daniels, The Newsroom). There’s a couple of plot and science stumbles and the ending is padded but Ridley’s dramatic gift ultimately rescues us.