Not recommended. What a huge letdown Battle Royale turned out to be after the incredible hype and controversy - - both in 2000 when it was released in Japan and this spring when it finally came to America. I didn’t expect a better-made movie; it always sounded like pure japloitation. And I was ready for copious gore. But I did not think it was going to be so BORING. Although there’s plenty of cornball backstory about each of the ninth graders pitted in a Hunger Games-style death match, I couldn’t keep the numerous characters clear and slowly lost any emotional investment. The ‘battles,’ with the exception of a decently Rodriguez-like shoot-out among the pom-pom girls, were no more thrilling than squashing cockroaches and totally without humor. With "Beat" Takeshi (Zatoichi) and Chiaki Kuriyama (Kill Bill: Vol. 1) in the cast I expected more fun but Battle Royale was a battle spoy-aled.
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