Not Recommended. The buzz about The Social Network is a repulsive example of what’s wrong with both Hollywood and America. Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and actor Jesse Eisenberg portray Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg as a vile scumbag, obsessive climbing his only social skill and little of the actual intellect required to start-up a company. All his insight is depicted as reactive and Facebook itself, a tantrum of rejection. Given this, I never connected to the characters or their story and their downfall became a bore. That story is completely false, according to those who were there; Sorkin now lamely calls the work a ‘metaphor’ and Zuckerburg, an ’altruist,’ in case anyone’s still listening. We also now know that Facebook itself came out of an economy cranked up on toxic assets. If anyone really thinks that it's worth 50 billion, I’ve got an eight-bedroom house in Pahrump to sell them.