Strongly recommended. If you rent Cat People from Netflix, you will also get The Curse Of The Cat People. Be forewarned: this is not your typical studio exploit. Based on the success of Cat People, RKO insisted that Val Lewton shoot a sequel. Lewton fooled everyone by taking the same characters and actors, advancing them slightly in time, and making an entirely new, deeply personal, masterwork. The Curse Of The Cat People is indeed a horror film - - the horror of childhood isolation. It’s a ghost story, but more The Devil’s Backbone than The Ring. Amazing child actress Ann Carter plays Amy, a dreamy, lonely girl searching for affection. Carter, Lewton, and rookie director Robert Wise (The Day The Earth Stood Still) develop a fascinating psychological allegory. The movie was championed by James Agee, who later wrote another gothic fairy tale, The Night Of The Hunter. The influence is obvious.