Recommended. It’s not fair for me to review this very nice
little movie, being, as I am, a man of age and taste so like its subject and possessing,
as I do, such an understanding of his foibles. Might ask Jacques Cousteau, if still
sitting in it, to review the ocean. Or attempt to explain to a tender barmaid a
Tom Waits lyric, simultaneously attempting to strike a match with one hand, lighting
a cigarette, half-smoked and stained with yesterday’s beer, glancing sub-rosa
into her velvety, brown eyes and strawberry hair, pondering over any last chance
a dissolute man gets to hold a generous woman’s heart in his battered hands . . . on
Valentine's Day. For if there’s a message in Crazy
Heart, it floats upon the grace and pity of the Fates, to sigh and say
again, the Duke shall abide for a little while longer . . . such a very little while