Not recommended. One of the more tantalizing questions of modern history is why the aristocratic, proud army of Friedrich the Great allowed it's annihilation and disgrace in the thrall of a bedwetting neurotic. Despite numerous attempts to remove him, Hitler’s survival past the obvious end of the Reich is worth a ponder. Bryan Singer’s movie, Valkyrie, adds nothing to this long thought. Equally worthy of consideration, is the brilliant and courageous leader of the Valkyrie coup, Lieutenant-Colonel Klaus von Stauffenberg, shrunk by Tom Cruise into a Happy Meal action figure. Both Singer’s direction and the weak script by Christopher McQuarrie (The Usual Suspects) drain this story of any intellectual vigor and reduce it to a formulaic thriller in which the ending is forgone. The one stand out is Terence Stamp as General Ludwig Beck, mirroring the weary horror of the unfolding catastrophe. Perhaps he just anticipated another wasted opportunity in the making.