Not recommended. This one snuck up on me. In the first third, Frances McDormand's character pops an older man-younger woman tirade that's supposed to be funny. As the movie unwinds we discover, no, that's what director/writer Nancy Meyers really thinks. Her resolution of Jack's sprightly grin in the first reel, is marriage and impregnation (in that order) of the younger girlfriend to a proper age equivalent, while Grandpa Jack gloats over the kid. Oh. .my. .god. How creepy! Along the way, the initial charm passed between Keaton and Nicholson degenerates into Diane's 15-minute, post-menopausal sob storm, neither funny nor affecting. Myers gives us an irrational plot that drops Keanu Reeves like a used rubber, TWICE. We are left as the credits role, with Jack singing La Vie en Rose, a public humiliation that I hope gave him something from Ms. Myers more than a glimpse of her naked and screaming.